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Tales Of Unease

Arthur Conan Doyle

Редовна цена ден 500.00 MKD
Редовна цена Продажна цена ден 500.00 MKD
Попуст Распродадено

Selected and with an Introduction by David Stuart Davies.

This gripping set of tales by the master storyteller Arthur Conan Doyle is bound to thrill and unnerve you. In these twilight excursions, Doyle’s vivid imagination for the strange, the grotesque and the frightening is given full rein.

We move from the mysteries of Egypt and the strange powers granted by The Ring of Thoth to the isolated ghostlands of the Arctic in The Captain of the Polestar, we encounter a monstrous creature in The Terror of Blue John Cap and the beings that live above our heads in The Brazilian Cat and The Leather Funnel; and we shudder at the thing in the next room in Lot 249.

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Sit down in your uneasy chair and enjoy this unique collection of chillers.



Детали за производот

ISBN: 9781840220780
Година на издавање:
Број на страници: 224

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